There are grants available for the afforestation of agricultural land that is suitable for commercial forestry, subject to environmental considerations and proof of ownership. Up to 100% grants are available. If you are thinking of planting please contact us immediately! There are detailed conditions and written Forest Service approval must be obtained before undertaking afforestation. After planting, a detailed application including details of some costs is required to enable grant and premium payment. Grants can cover up to 100% of costs subject to the maximum rates. The Second Instalment Grant is normally payable four years after planting. Definitions of each category as well as detailed technical specifications and requirements are available upon request from WOODLAND.
The maximum grant and premium rates for afforestation are detailed in the table below. The afforestation grant is a fixed grant to cover the costs incurred in the establishment of a forest and paid exclusive of VAT over two installments immediately after planting (75% grant payment) and after successful establishment (25%) four years after. Additional grants are available for stock and deer fencing.
*Additional payment of €1,000 per ha will be paid to landowner on completion of planting
** Grant includes Trails, Seats & Signage Facilities payment
*** Grant includes Facilities payment