There are grants available for the afforestation of agricultural land that is suitable for commercial forestry, subject to environmental considerations and proof of ownership.
Up to 100% grants are available. If you are thinking of planting please contact us immediately!
There are detailed conditions and written Forest Service approval must be obtained before undertaking afforestation. After planting, a detailed application including details of some costs is required to enable grant and premium payment. Grants can cover up to 100% of costs subject to the maximum rates.
The Second Instalment Grant is normally payable four years after planting.
Details of the many shemes now available under the new Forestry Programme 2023 - 2027 as well as detailed technical specifications and requirements are available upon request from WOODLAND or from Forest Service or Teagasc.
A selection of the main forestry schemes are outlined below
There is a wide range of grants and premiums available under the Afforestation Scheme depending on the type of forestry you with to plant. It is vitally important that the right type of trees are planted in the right place. This will benefit the growth of the trees over their lifetime and also the surrounding ecosystem. Our registered and experienced foresters can guide you through this process designing a forest that is right for you. You can follow the link below for the detailed Afforestation Scheme document or contact Woodland and your local forester will assess your needs and answer any queries you may have.
Whether your forestry has a commercial focus or an environmental one, safe and suitable access is essential for good management. Under the Forest Road Scheme 2023 - 2027, there are increased grants of up to €55/m available to aid with the cost of construction of your forest road. The grant provides funding so that these roads are well-built and will last for the lifetime of your plantation and beyond. You can follow the link below for the Forest Road Scheme 2023 -2027 document or contact Woodland to discuss in more detail.
The Native tree Area Scheme (NTA) is for the creation of small native woodlands on farms. There are two types of forest that can be established, each can be up to 1ha in size, comprising numerous individual plots with the minimum plot area being 0.1ha. The NTA scheme does not require an afforestation licence and approval into the scheme is via direct entry as per other agri-environmental schemes. There is an establishment grant and a forestry premium payment for ten years. A maximum of 2 hectares of forest can be created on farms under the NTA
There are a number of other schemes available to forest owners to aid in the ongoing management of their plantations. These include an Ash Reconstitution Scheme, Woodland Improvement Scheme, Native Tree Area Scheme (for areas <1ha) and a Hare and Deer Shelter and Fencing Scheme. Contact Woodland to speak to a forester who can discuss the available schemes with you and plan for you and your forests future.